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by Gary Gent

Shamanic Soul Recovery and Extraction is a process which assists not only the living, but also the individual who is getting ready to end their earth walk. The following is a shamanic journey performed for such an individual. All names are fictitious to protect the confidence of the people involved with this situation.

I have been shamanically working with Jane Doe, assisting her own healing process. She called with a question. Could a journey be performed for a friend, John, who was hospitalized and on heavy medication for pain? I explained to Jane Doe that in this situation, a journey could be performed with John's permission on the spirit level. Normally I require the persons conscious permission before undertaking a journey for them. In situations such as this, where the person is not able to give conscious permission, undertaking a journey to request permission from their spirit self is acceptable.

Jane related to me John's situation. John is in his mid fifties, hospitalized for liver cancer and being given pain medication by the doctor to reduce his suffering until he expired. The medical establishment could do no more for him. His family background is one of abandonment by his mother and other family members. His mother had disowned him.

I scheduled a date to enter altered state and journey for John. On entering the altered state, I requested permission from my Spirit Guides to journey for John. I received permission and traveled to John. I was taken to a hospital room that was empty except for a single bed. John's physical body was laying on the bed unmoving. His spirit self was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands. I could feel intense pain, grief and sadness in him. His spirit self became aware of our (myself and the Spirit Guide) presence and looked up with fear in his eyes. I talked to John, explaining who I and the Guides were and what we were doing in his room. I also needed to explain why two Beings of Light were in his room, positioned next to an outer wall. John said that he thought the Light Beings were there to take him, which caused a deep fear response in him. When he understood the Light Beings were there to assist him in the transition from physical to spirit, and not to force the change, we could see tension drain from him.

John agreed to allow a journey to be done for him. With his permission, I ask him if he was holding any pieces from other people that we could return for him. John stood and reached behind him, bringing forth ten soul pieces that he was holding from others. Two of these soul pieces were returned to his mother, one to a sister, one to his father and the other six to other men and women. With those soul pieces returned, I ask my guides to assist in returning soul pieces that John is missing. I was immediately taken to a situation from John's age of 13 to 14. In this situation, we found John bowed with his head to the floor, in front of his mother. His mother was holding a foot on his neck, maintaining a forceful control on his masculine self. John's 13 to 14 year old soul piece was degraded, angry, trapped and experienced very deep self image damage due to the forced submission. On arriving, our appearance surprised his mother, causing her to jump back. This released John's soul piece and my Guides encircled him so his mother could not reassert her control. We then explained why we were there and ask if he would return to his older self. The soul pieces response was an immediate yes. We brought his 13 to 14 year old self back to John. We then traveled to other situations, recovering an additional 24 soul pieces for John. These also were returned to him. On the return of the soul pieces, John's spirit self took them immediately into his heart. As they were taken in, a sense of peace came over him.

I as my Guides if any extraction work was needed? I was shown the physical systems which were in the process of shutting down and told we need to allow this. Then my sight shifted to John's chakras, which were all black, filled with a thick sticky congestion. I was directed to clean and repair the seven major chakra centers, which we did. His chakras needed repair and cleaning to assist the transition from physical to spirit. My Guides explained that if left as they were, the change process would be much more difficult and painful. After the repair and cleaning of his chakras, we removed several layers of congestion from the subtle bodies. with the extraction work complete, John's spirit self very peacefully laid back into his physical body. The balancing of soul pieces and extraction work now allows John to assist himself in his transition instead of fighting the change and creating more pain.

While doing this work, the Light Beings had moved about two thirds of the way into the room. The closeness is an indication of how long before the spirit leaves the physical. I felt that in 30 days or less, John would complete his earth walk.

I contacted Jane and related the journey information to her. She said she was going to visit John in a few days and would let me know how he was doing. Jane related that John was much more peaceful and even had a few lucid moments during her visit. This was a dramatic change from previous visits, where she found him in an agonized condition. She also felt that he would cross over with in a month. Her next visit was in three weeks. On this visit, she reported that around John was a peacefulness that had not been there before. She intuitively felt John was close. Three days later I received a call from Jane, John had died during the night, with no trauma. Like stepping through a door.

Soul Recovery and Extraction is an effective tool in assisting an individual to walk in balance in this physical reality, or to walk from this physical reality.

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