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Flower Essences To The Rescue
Stop and Smell the Flowers!

What are flower essences?
History of flower essences
How do you use flower essences?
How to choose flower essences
What to expect from flower essences
How do flower essences compare with other health care modalities?
Do we ever finish with flower essences?
What are Shaman's Potions™?

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are exquisite gifts from nature that act as messengers of inner health and harmony. They are liquid infusions of individual plants . Through the infusion process, the liquid picks up the specific imprinting of the substance that responds to balancing, repairing and rebuilding imbalances on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. They are potentized, vibrational remedies that derive their beneficial powers from the inherent life forces of the plant. Flower essences act as catalysts in the healing process rather than suppressing or controlling symptoms.

Flower essences work on a vibrational level. Each flower has a distinct signature described by its color, smell, shape and when, where and how it grows and blooms. This signature defines the flower's particular therapeutic value. Each flower has a unique energy pattern associated with its signature that directly corresponds to our body's electrical and nervous systems. The plant's energy patterns travel to the parts of our system that are out of balance, overloaded, short circuited or in need of life force energy. The flower essences have the ability to balance and change our energy patterns, opening the door to a new, positive and expanded outlook.
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Flower essences are said to have been used in Mu and Atlantis. The Lemurians were horticulturists. They were the first to develop the doctrine of signatures, the idea being that each plant has a specific signature that relates to it's therapeutic value. Because little disease existed, flower essences were used to help evolve spiritual consciousness. They were also used for the regeneration of physical body tissue over the extended life span of the Lemurians. The Lemurians were so sensitive energetically, that all they had to do was approach the blossom to reap the effects of the vibrations.

On Atlantis, flower essences developed more as a system of medicine. The Atlantians were not as in tune with nature as the Lemurians, and thereby developed the current system of floating the blossoms on water to infuse the vibrations into the liquid.
In the sixteenth century, Swiss doctor / alchemist Paracelsus experimented with flower essences. They were rediscovered in Britain, in the early 1930's by Dr. Edward Bach, a homeopathic physician. Dr. Bach felt that a healer's focus should be directed towards the ills of the heart and spirit of a person. Working with a patient in this manner often prevented the manifestation of the emotions into physical disease. Use of the flower essences helped bring balance to the patient's mind-body health. Dr. Bach's work on flower essences is being continued worldwide.

Today, we use flower essences to help us adjust to the fast pace of our lives. We must constantly change and adjust our lives. This continuous change makes us more vulnerable. Flower essences help us to stabilize and handle change easier. Flower Essences also help us develop self awareness and to take responsibility for life's lessons and challenges.
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How do you use flower essences?

Individual essences can be taken directly from the stock bottle, a few drops at a time or stirred into a glass of water, and sipped throughout the day. Or a specialized formula can be made up from several essences, generally three to six, depending on your individual needs. This formula is taken four drops under the tongue four times per day, holding them under your tongue for thirty seconds and reflecting on the changes or affirmations you desire. The essences address the relationship between the body and soul, and therefore are most effective taken at the thresholds of awakening and retiring (we shift boundaries between body and soul at these times). Essences should be taken again at the noon and evening meals. The essences can also be applied topically through lotions, massage oil or baths. Remember, more is not better. To increase the potency, increase the frequency, not the number of drops.

Flower essences are usually taken in four week cycles. These cycles can be used in conjunction with the moon cycles. Begin a formula on a new moon for new changes, attitudes or habits. Begin on a full moon to ease the release process. Seven -day and two-week cycles may also be helpful in your growth process. For particularly deep seated changes, a whole series of cycles may necessary. It is recommended to reformulate or reassess your formula at the end of the cycle and continue at least one or two of the key essences in your formula for a period of time even after some change has been noticed. This allows the essences to be anchored into deeper levels of consciousness.

What about emergencies? Flower essences are excellent for extreme conditions or emergencies. Under these circumstances, it is best to take the essence either directly from the stock bottle or in a glass of water. They can be taken as frequently as every half hour until the condition begins to subside. There are several excellent emergency formulas available, including "Rescue Remedy" by Bach, "Five Flower Formula" by FES, and "Calming Essence" by Ellon USA.
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How to choose flower essences

It is often difficult to be objective in choosing remedies for yourself or a loved one. We cant's always see ourselves or those close to us realistically. When our emotions are involved, we may see through rose-colored glasses, or we may look at things in the most negative way possible. Being too close to the forest, we may not see the trees -- or the flowers, in this instance. Where circumstances are emotionally charged -- or the matters involved are serious -- it's often best to consult an experienced flower essence practitioner - (HOW TO SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION)

Choosing the essences may seem overwhelming, and selecting those key essences can itself be a process of inner awareness. Through quiet reflection, meditation, self-observation and conversation with others, it is possible to become aware of your key issues and challenges. Using the brief descriptions in this list choose several essences that more closely relate to your key issues. Be aware of positive transformative goals as well as areas of distress. For the best results, choose your essences around a single behavior or issue to be changed. More detailed information can be obtained on specific essences from various books on flower essences and /or a flower essence repertory. Some companies have self-assessment guides available for their essences.

Some people prefer to use more intuitive methods of selecting essences, such as the use of a pendulum, muscle testing or direct sensing through the hands or finger tips.

What happens if the wrong essences are selected? Flower essences work by resonance. If we take essences that are inappropriate and have little relationship to our real issues, then they will not resonate with our soul and will have little effect. If we take too many essences or essences that address only minor issues, they may be ineffective; substantial changes will not occur or will take longer to occur. Inappropriate or chaotic selection may stimulate confusion or uneasiness. Occasionally, if too many issues are stirred up or change happens too quickly, we may resist the change. This resistance can produce some physical symptoms such as fatigue, skin rash or headache. These reactions are usually short lived and may indicate a need to change your formula. Flower essences are among the safest health remedies available. The worst that can happen is nothing.
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What to expect from flower essences

Generally, you will feel something within two to six weeks. Some people will notice the effects almost immediately. Some will experience only a slight shift in well being or in their mental or emotional states after a long period of time. Flower essences work subtly, so please be patient. It is rare that someone would experience an immediate catharsis or a total transformation. The essences work to transform your inner life, and you may not notice the transformation directly. Others may call attention to the changes in your attitudes or behaviors or you may begin to find your old behaviors and attitudes uncomfortable. This increased consciousness then becomes the tool for change. Flower essences are not a "quick fix." They are strengtheners of our soul forces that enable us to learn and grow from life's challenges. They invite us on a healing journey, and can be our allies and guides along the way. The essences are not intended to painlessly wipe away our problems or provide instant fixes.

Occasionally, you may experience a "healing crisis." This is an intensification of an emotion or worsening of a trait prior to experiencing a transformation. These attitudes and emotions may not relate to today's issues, but are triggered by something in the present. By bringing these attitudes and emotions to the surface of our awareness, we are given an opportunity to witness and acknowledge negative or dysfunctional aspects of ourselves. This is an important part of the releasing pattern. Be patient. It will pass. Self- reflection, journal writing, and counseling are all effective methods of smoothing out the rough waters. If the going gets too rough, you may reduce the frequency of the dosage, change the formula, or use one of the "Emergency Formulas" to ease the process.

Another common effect of taking essences is called "peeling". By taking the essences, one emotional issue is resolved allowing an underlying emotion to rise to the surface. This process is similar to peeling an onion. Each layer is removed revealing another layer closer to the core. With the peeling effect, as each new layer emerges, a change in essences may be necessary.
Physical conditions can be an important indicator of issues we face. However, because flower essences are soul or emotional remedies, they should not be used for directly treating physical symptoms or illnesses. Essences are chosen according to individual issues and experiences, and those with the same physical symptoms may have totally different emotional patterns or life issues at the core. While flower essences are not cures for physical ailments, the emotional and attitudinal shifts brought about by the essences can facilitate remarkable changes in physical health.

Although flower essences are typically chosen for specific emotional issues, profound soul growth and long term changes can occur with the use of the essences. Through continued use of the essences, the soul experiences many long term benefits such as:

* Enhanced awareness and vitality - We become more capable of experiencing the full range of emotions, including joy, grief, anger, etc..

* Greater sense of well being and body awareness - We find an awareness of how our soul is speaking to us through our body and/or our soul is better able to accept its incarnation into the physical and enthusiastically experience life.

* Attunement with Nature - We experience how Nature can nourish and protect us and relate how our own healing is inseparable from our care of the Earth.

* Awareness of vocation in relation to life purpose - Essence can lead to honest self-examination of our capacities and untapped resources as well as our ideals.

* Deeper understanding of karmic relationships - Essences and stimulate and enhance the strands of karma that link people together.

* Renewed commitment to spiritual growth or expression - A key gift of flower essences is to enable the soul to become a chalice to receive spiritual forces and become interested in our spiritual development leading to a deeper experience of Self.
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How do flower essences compare with other health care modalities?

Flower essences should not be used as a replacement for proper medical care. Using the flower essences is only a part of taking responsibility for your physical and emotional well-being. Flower Essences will not interfere with any other form of medical or holistic treatment. When you are working with more than one practitioner, please remember to let them know what types of treatment you are undergoing. Flower essences can be used with people of all ages, as well as our relations in the plant and animal kingdom.

Flower essences are not drugs. They have no effect on our biochemistry. Drugs, such as pain killers and antidepressants work by changing our brain chemistry. Flower essences leave the soul free and encourage change rather than compelling it. They work on a vibrational resonance rather than biochemical and are not used to treat a particular disease. They encourage us to learn the lessons the ailment has brought our soul, and stimulate a lasting change in consciousness rather than long term dependence.
Essences differ from herbs in the respect that herbal remedies are generally selected on the basis of physical symptoms. Flower essences are selected for their impact on our soul qualities and address the psyche more directly than herbs.

They are not essential oils. They have no particular scent. Essential oils most often work through the senses and physical body as well as on a vibrational level. Flower essence therapy and aromatherapy work well together.

Flower essences work similar to homeopathic remedies. Both work with the whole person rather than just the dis-ease. Homeopathic remedies work with the Law of Similars (a substance in a large dose can produce illness, whereas in very minute doses, it cures the illness). Essences work to integrate polarities in our psyche, working with the symptom and moving it to a higher level of integration. For example, if you were given Mimulus as a flower essence, it would not create a fear if you do not have one. But, if you do, the Mimulus would encourage you to face the fear and the strengthen your soul by facing the challenge.
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Do we ever finish with flower essences?

This question assumes that there is a permanent state of normality, health, happiness or enlightenment that can be achieved. The truth is, we will always face challenges as long as we are alive. To face these challenges, we need to learn and evolve. If we understand that flower essences are catalysts for soul growth, rather than remedies to fix our problems, they will always have a possibility for helping us. While there may be times we choose not to work with essences, or use other methods, flower essences can remain allies through many cycles of growth.
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What are Shaman's Potions™?

Shaman's Potions™ are unique, powerful flower essence formulas ceremonially hand-blended with organic or wild-crafted essential oils and flower, gem and other vibrational remedies. Essences come in some delightful formulas, as well as customized formulas specifically designed for you. Shaman's Portions™ - Essences for Your Spirit ...... Just what the "medicine woman" ordered.

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