

Our services, provided by Gary Gent and Debbie Gent, include a variety of shamanic practices, including shamanic healing, shamanic journeys, soul recovery and extraction, soul retrieval, spirit guide and animal guide retrieval, chakra healing, hypnosis, emotional freedom technique and flower essence consultations.

We facilitate sacred ceremonies such as pipe ceremonies, rites of passage, naming ceremonies, divorce or separation ceremonies, Inipis (sweat lodges), and death rites. As ministers of the International Assembly of Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards, we also offer ceremonies such as weddings and funerals.

We also facilitate various workshops on shamanism and shamanic trainings and retreats, drum making, rattle making, goddess workshops, medicine wheels, group hypnosis for stop smoking, weight loss and past life regression. We also offer individual retreats focusing on a shamanic path for personal development. Each month, Gary, Debbie and "Mother Drum" host a community drum circle.

Our Shaman's Marketplace offers Shaman's Potions™, a line of delightful combinations of flower remedies and aromatherapy, shamanic books, shamanic drumming CDs and self-hypnosis and guided journey CDs and DVDs.

Our Mission at Shamanic Connection is to help people to reconnect with themselves, Spirit and
Mother Earth through Shamanic practices,
soul retrieval, sacred ceremonies and other healing modalities.
Our job is twofold— to assist our clients in reacquiring the tools for their growth
and then to hold a safe space for them to do their work.
It is by using these new tools that growth and healing happen.



© 2004-2010 Shamanic Connection, Central Point, Oregon


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