Healing Modalities for the
Spirit, Mind and Body

Soul Retrieval & Extraction

Sacred Ceremonies

Shamanic Retreats
Other Healing Modalities:
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Flower Essences
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Scheduling an Appointment

Appointments are available with Debbie Gent in her office in Central Point, OR or via telephone.

To schedule an appointment with Debbie:
Call: 602-896-0146
Or Email Debbie


We gladly accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

Soul Retrieval & Extraction sessions are $180.00 and must be pre-paid.

You will be given a time to call Debbie. If this is your first journey, you will receive a copy of Soul Recovery and Extraction by Ai Gvhdi Waya to read before your journey. This book, written by Gary's sister, that will help to answer some of the many questions that arise. When you call at the appointed time, your journey will be completed. This call is to receive the information or report on the journey. The consultation will be recorded and your audio file can be downloaded from a link we will email to you, so note taking isn't necessary. The call will last between 30 minutes to one hour. You will call in again to "check in" at approximately one week and again in 30 days.

Flower essence consultations with Debbie by phone, mail or in person: $29.95 (includes a personalized flower essence formula, postage and handling, and an explanation of how the essences relate to your current life situation).. The selection of essences is made through intuitive attunement with you and the analysis of information you provide.

Hypnosis and EFT sessions at the Central Point Office, by Skype or by telephone (with a headset for hypnosis):
$180 (2 hr session). Prepaid packages of three or more sessions are available at a 20% discount.

And Now For The $1,000,000 Question -- If these tools are a form of spiritual healing, a gift from Spirit, why aren't your services free?

The answer is two fold. First, is the idea of value. We all know that things that are free are not as valuable as those that we pay for. When we exchange some of our hard earned dollars for something we tend to give it more worth and guard it with our energy. So, by establishing a price for our services, we ensure that our clients are committed and invested, and not entering lightly into what is an extremely transformative process. It is a matter setting YOUR priorities (Can I skip a few Starbucks to pay for this??) and of placing value in YOURSELF.

Second, shamanic healing and teaching are our life's passion and our "work", as well as our expression of Spirit's gift. The shamans of old were paid for their services with chickens, vegetables, cloth, herbs and other forms of barter. Today, the common form of exchange is the dollar. (The mortgage company refuses the chickens we send them and tells us to send CASH.) Like each of you we have a mortage, need food and electricity is a nice ammenity. Because we devote our full time to assisting each of you along your growth path, we must be compensated to be able to continue to passionately hold space for you to grow.

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